
We at GCS believe that regular attendance is essential for excellence in learning. Therefore, we discourage absenteeism.

In the case of absence:

  • Per our attendance policy, the school should be notified the morning of the absence, unless you have a pre-arranged absence.
  • In an effort to be vigilant, if students are absent due to illness, the school will need to track the symptoms that are keeping them home.
  • Excused absences are allowed for illness, doctor or dental appointments, and family emergencies. On return, students will bring a written excuse from home, signed by parent(s), to the teacher. This excuse must state the reason and date for the student’s absence.
  • If you know ahead of time that your student will be absent, please notify the teacher or office.
  • Teachers will not provide make-up work or credit for unexcused absences.
  • Students will be considered tardy at 8:35 am.